
The Global Research Business Network connects over 40 research associations and over 3500 research businesses on six continents. More than US$24.9 billion in annual research revenues (turnover) are represented by these businesses. Our mission is to promote and advance the business of research by developing and supporting strong autonomous national research associations. We do this by:

Sharing information

Sharing information and expertise to strengthen and develop national associations to deliver value to their members.

Championing issues which grow the sector

Conducting research, issuing reports and Handbooks, offering consulting services, running workshops, holding webinars, speaking at conferences and publishing thought-pieces

Issuing guidance

Developing international guidance and promoting codes and standards

Promoting self-regulation

Promoting effective self regulation at the national level and developing solutions to resolve complaints about multi-country and cross-border projects.

ARIA Representatives

282x282 Melanie C
Melanie Courtright

(Founding Member)

Alan Grabowsky

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

300x300 Urpi Torrado
Urpi Torrado

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

Alejandro Garnica

GRBN—Board Member
(Special Advisor)

Kevin Menk

GRBN—Board Member
(Special Advisor)

Jeff Resnick

GRBN—Board Member
(Special Advisor)

GRBN is a critical link for all associations to communicate about issues affecting their constituencies through original content as well as the sharing of content authored by national associations and federations. One of the many roles GRBN plays is to facilitate the important conversations that need to occur on issues impacting our business.

– Jeff Resnick

I believe the GRBN is a very relevant initiative for nurturing and empower National Associations of the research industry worldwide, through exchange of experiences and collaborative multinational work. By fulfilling that objective, the GRBN would trigger a positive impact for our industry locally, regionally and globally

– Alejandro Garnica Andrade

APRC Representatives

300x300 Elissa Molloy
Elissa Molloy

(Founding Member)

winifred henderson
Winifred Henderson

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

300x300 Andy Zhao
Andy Zhao

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

Peter Harris

GRBN—Board Member
(Special Advisor)

The GRBN is fantastic support and resource network for national associations and their members; and I am proud to be a part of its leadership team. If you have ideas on activities or resources you would like to see the GRBN provide (for national associations, individual researchers or research companies) please get in touch with me by email or through LinkedIn. The GRBN is a global research community network – we welcome your input.

– Elissa Molloy

Collaboration between associations on a global scale is important as it facilitates the sharing of information/resources and will save time, resources and effort – that’s where GRBN fits in and its initiatives will achieve this and will bring associations together. I’m passionate about the market research industry and I will utilise my experience and skills, and will invest time and energy, to help GRBN to flourish and achieve goals.

– Winifred Henderson

I want to assist the GRBN EMB achieve our important goals and to raise the profile of the Asia Pacific region as I know it is an important hub of innovation and growth on the world technology and research stage.

– Peter Harris

AMRA Representatives

300x300 Sami Gab
Sami Ghabrial

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

300x300 Abdel Wahab Chaoui
Abdel Wahab Chaoui

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

EFAMRO Representatives

300x300 Debrah Harding
Debrah Harding

(Founding Member)

Enrique Domingo
Enrique Domingo

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

Bernd Wachter

GRBN—Board Member
(Voting Member)

Since its launch in 2011, GRBN has made great progress bringing together the national research associations across the globe, sharing expertise and best practice to the mutual benefit of all 38 associations. GRBN needs to build on this initial success, strengthening its global brand, improving recognition of GRBN within research and the business sector, and expanding its programmes and initiatives – such as the Trust & Personal Data Survey – to develop and promote the business of research.

– Debrah Harding

In times of deep change it is more necessary than ever for the industry to converge to the long claimed ‘One industry, one voice’ vision for collaboration. I am pleased to work together with GRBN colleagues to contribute to the digital -mindset and technology- transformation.

– Enrique Domingo

GRBN, Executive Director

Andrew Cannon

GRBN, Executive Director

GRBN works to strengthen national associations across the global and helps them serve their members better. Our initiatives help create a brighter future for our sector.

– Andrew Cannon