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David Rothstein - RTi Research

    David Rothstein - RTi Research

    Thoughts From The Client Side On The Importance Of Engaging Participants

    Neil Marcus, AVP and research leader at MetLife, was instrumental in the GRBN’s Participant Engagement Initiative. His support as a corporate partner for the research on which some of these best practices are based...

    Improving Participant Engagement – Why We Should All Care

    According to a recent GRBN study, conducted as part of their “Building Public Trust Charter,” only 10% of recent online survey takers have high trust in the Market Research industry. Equally concerning is that 70%...

    What’s the ROI of Consumer Insights? How about 400%! ...

    There’s been much talk in recent years about the call for Consumer Insights (CI) departments to provide more value to the organization (with less in the way of human and capital resources).  Moving forward,...