WASHINGTON D.C. – June 25th 2020
Trust in health authorities increases and trust in media and social media companies takes a hit, while there’s no real change for market research companies
New findings from the GRBN Global Trust Survey show how trust in market research companies compares with that in other sectors and, for the first time, how it has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis… Read more
“John is the head of Customer Experience (CX) for a large hotel chain. Jennifer is the CMO. John shares his latest report with Jennifer that shows 40% of their customers thought their stay was enjoyable. Is Jennifer pleased with that report, or is she appalled? Probably the latter. But for some reason, we in market research (MR) seem to be satisfied with this same low level of positive CX among the many millions of respondents we engage each year.
According to the latest GRBN Global Trust Survey, just 40% say they find the research they participate in to be enjoyable. Wait, what??”…Read more
Transparency can and should be regarded as an Opportunity, not a Burden
Lisa Wilding-Brown, Innovate MR
“While we may feel overwhelmed, transparency can and should be regarded as an opportunity, not a burden. There are meaningful changes MR companies can employ to win over consumers:
• Beyond the obligatory privacy policy, provide a concise and simple summary which distills complex legal jargon. Participants should be clear on how your business collects, stores, shares, and destroys personal data”… Read more
“The Global Research Business Network (GRBN) have released the latest global results in their “Trust” report, a repeat of a study undertaken in 2014, 2016 and 2018. The news for the Market Research (‘MR’) industry in Australia was positive with our net trust index increasing vs. 2018, but there remains a lot of work to do.
Overall, 75% of Australians see MR as beneficial to companies, significantly more than they see it as beneficial to themselves. Over one third see surveys as being too long and not enjoyable”… Read more
“The German population has very high expectations of data protection and data security. Experiences of dictatorship and surveillance in the 20th century shaped the German tradition of data protection. The National Socialist era made all Germans aware of the serious consequences of the collection of personal data; the aftermath of a data-gathering regime like the GDR are still present today. The issue of trust in institutions and also in market research, against this backdrop of historical relevance, is always a direct consequence of the question of data protection and data security”… Read more
“Data Quality is an important pillar of Market Research (MR). The goal of MR is to assist users, brands, researchers, and any other stakeholder to help their cause to achieve its goals. If the quality of the underlying data is poor, then the results and business outcomes will poor as well.
As such, it is imperative that Data Quality be treated as core to the industry. Data Quality is as much a question of practical reality as it is a question of ethics. Tia Maurer of P&G recently publicly shared, via the CASE initiative, a few real-life stories of multi-million-dollar investments which were undermined by poor data quality“… Read more
“The GRBN global survey on trust in institutions is primarily focused on the public’s trust (or otherwise) in market research, data analytics and polling – both overall and in terms of appropriate data protection. But a bonus of a study such as this is that it can also reveal insights of considerable importance to society and the world. One of these in this case is the collapse of trust in the American government, most especially among African Americans and the young“… Read more