WASHINGTON D.C. – June 25th 2020

Trust in health authorities increases and trust in media and social media companies takes a hit, while there’s no real change for market research companies

New findings from the GRBN Global Trust Survey show how trust in market research companies compares with that in other sectors and, for the first time, how it has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis.

The Global Research Business Network (GRBN) has partnered with ten national research associations from across the globe and 15 corporate partners to conduct the GRBN Global Trust Survey.

The results*, published today, show that 34% of global respondents personally trust market research companies, compared to 16% not trusting.  The level of trust in market research is similar to the level of trust in government, as well as to that in internet search companies such as Google and Bing.

Trust in market research is particularly strong in Latin America, ranked 2nd out of the 15 types of organizations researched in both Brazil and Mexico, and 4th in Peru.

On average, health authorities and local police are the most trusted out of the organisations included in the survey at 56% and 53%.  Media companies, secret service organisations and social media companies sit at the bottom of the global trust table.

Impact of Covid-19

This year’s survey also provides valuable insight into how trust in different sectors has been affected by the Covid-19 health and economic emergency.  In recent months, there has been no real change in the net index for trust in market research companies, but others have seen significant shifts.

Globally, trust in media companies and social media companies has been most impacted by the crisis and fallen 16% and 11% respectively.  Trust in Government has dropped overall, most significantly in Brazil (-46%), Japan (-45%) and the US (-32%), but people living in Korea now think of their officials more favourably and the level has increased by 25%.

Around the world, trust in the health authorities that have been at the forefront of the pandemic, has risen by 15%.

Debrah Harding, GRBN Chair and Managing Director of MRS, comments: “As we face some of the most extraordinary times, we are looking to institutions and experts for solutions out of the crisis. It is vital that we understand how today’s challenges are affecting people’s trust in these sectors and professions.  GRBN’s new research provides insight into changing attitudes and will be a useful tool as countries look to develop solutions in response to Covid-19.

Andrew Cannon, Executive Director of GRBN, comments: It is heartening to see that trust in market research companies, as well as in many other types of organizations, has not been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is certainly room for improvement for our sector, and work to be done when it comes to building the public’s trust in what we do for the benefit of consumers as well as society more generally. GRBN looks forward to working with regional and national associations, as week as individual market research companies across the globe to further build that trust.

 The full GRBN Global Trust Survey report is available to download here.

Thanking our partners

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our national association and corporate partners without whose participation and support this initiative would not be possible.



* The results cited in this press release are based on the responses of 4964 people aged 18+ living in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Korea, Japan, Mexico, Peru, the UK and the USA, who completed the online survey between the 27th April and the 7th May.  The responses have been weighted to reflect the 18+ year old population in each country in terms of age, sex and region.


 Notes to Editors

 About GRBN

  • Global Research Business Network connects 45 research associations and over 3500 research businesses on six continents.
  • More than US$25 billion in annual research revenues (turnover) are generated by these businesses.
  • GRBN’s mission is to promote and advance the business of research by developing and supporting strong autonomous national research associations.

Twitter: @grbn_org

For further information, please contact:

 Andrew Cannon


+358 (0)50 5226922
