What was the issue?

Workplace mental wellbeing has long been a taboo subject and ignored by employers and employees alike. While recent years has seen some improvement, there has been no simple yet academically robust measure and tool to assess workplace mental wellbeing and provide actionable and strategic insights to help businesses accelerate change.

What was achieved?

Passionate about accelerating social change across a number of areas, but especially in their sector, the Opinium team then approached the Market Research Society (MRS) with a pro-bono proposal to partner up and conduct the first ever workplace mental wellbeing audit of the UK market research sector.

Opinium achieved over 1,500 responses, with a solid split from agencies and from in-house teams. The audit and report uncovered some of the key issues companies need to address, as well as various initiatives that workplaces can implement along with their impact on mental wellbeing.

Opinium hosted an event to launch the report and the MRS circulated it far and wide across our industry.

Together we have opened up the conversation on workplace mental wellbeing in the the market research industry and we will now revisit this audit afresh every year and continue to keep this important topic at the top of every agenda.

How ?

The Opinium team developed the first Workplace Mental Wellbeing Audit, partnering with the University of Warwick Medical School and creating a easy to distribute yet thorough and robust tool to measure and benchmark mental wellbeing in the workplace. We then build a huge normative database, which we continue to build, allowing us to benchmark any audit for a client or industry against the national workforce, or other workplaces in their sectors.

Who did the work?
The Opinium Workplace Mental Wellbeing team

Member of National Association

Twitter reference account/hashtag

Nominated by

James Endersby

