GRBN Member Survey 2021

  • Introduction

    Further to discussions with APRC and EFAMRO members in February, GRBN is considering undertaking the following initiatives this year and would like hear how interested your association is in participating in each of the three initiatives. Thank you in advance for your input!
  • Initiative 1 – Association leader online discussion events

    Members have expressed interest in meeting online to discuss issues of importance to them with other association leaders who also find the topic to be of importance. The aim is to hold one such event each quarter, with the event repeated at two different times to ensure that all members across the globe have the chance to join in. Each quarter, the event will focus on a specific topic of interest. For 2021, the following three topics are being proposed based on the input we have received from association leaders. Could you please indicate how interested your association is in sending one or more delegates to an online meeting on each of these three topics?
  • Initiative 2 - Diversity and Inclusivity

  • Initiative 3 - GRBN Global Trust Survey

  • Thank you!

    Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. We will circle back to you in early April with information on the next steps we will be taking based on your valuable input. Thank you!