Sharing knowledge and know-how is GRBN’s key objective in the areas of data protection and information security. As the regulatory environment concerning data protection continues to evolve around the world and as the information security challenges multiple, both national associations and regional federations have a vital role to play in helping their members navigate the waters. GRBN supports its member associations in achieving this, by ensuring both information and know-how is shared across the network. The Data Protection & Information Security news section on this site is a valuable resource for everyone working in the industry. The GRBN Learning Center contains a number of webinars related to both data protection and information security. Some of these webinars are free to access, whilst others have a price-tag. Members of GRBN member associations, which are GRBN content marketing partners, receive a substantial discount on all content sold through the Learning Center. You can check to see which national associations are currently content marketing partners here. If you belong to one of those associations and you do not possess the necessary discount coupons, please ask your national association. You can preview some of the Data Protection & Information Security webinars here. GRBN is also helping provide practical support to research businesses around the world with respect to Information Security. Our Australian member, AMSRS, is one of the national associations leading the way in this area, and has prepared an extensive pack regarding ISO 27001, called “Information security management: Corporate Information Security System” package, which is being made available to research businesses across the globe through their national associations via the four regional federations; AMRA, APRC, ARIA and EFAMRO.