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Tag: ROI of Insights

Make Your Agency Your ROI Partner ...

So, you want to measure the ROI (or Business Impact) of your Insights Department, but don’t know where to begin. How about with your...

Annual Review Time? Why Not Give It A Business Impact Focus...

From our research, as well as from all the discussions we have we had over the last few years, we know that very few...

Beyond Measurement: Five Steps to Adopting an ROI Mindset ...

While the value of proving out ROI is clear in nearly every business case, it’s less obvious where to begin.  Before getting overly transfixed...

On Business Impact in Insights ...

Quirk’s recently published a sneak peek at some early results from its Q Report, a survey of corporate researchers. I generally enjoy reading this...

Taking your Insights Function to the Next Level: We’re Here to...

It’s been a busy year for GRBN when it comes to Business Impact. Not only have we launched the new Building Business Impact Handbook,...

Are Insights functions ready for the next decade?

The short answer is many are not, and I’ll tell you why As 2020 is just around the corner, I’m asked more and more whether...

Review of the GRBN Building Business Impact Handbook

If there is just one book that an incoming corporate Head of Insights absolutely needs to read, it is the Building Business Impact Handbook....

Organizing the CI Function for Maximum Business Impact

As Insights professionals, part of our job is to spot and understand changes in the macro environment. When we see early signals of the...

A Revolution is Building

Since the initial ROI of Insights Handbook was first published, a quiet revolution has been building in the insights industry. Slowly at first, but...

GRBN Launches “Building Business Impact” Handbook

Corporate Researchers Conference Presentation to Highlight Findings from the Research WASHINGTON  – October 22, 2019 – The Global Research Business Network (GRBN) today announces the...