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Tag: user experience

How to stay relevant & NOT alienate people: Benefits and challenges...

It’s no secret that there has been a decline in traditional online survey response rates. Online sample sizes that were once feasible are now...

PEI – Gathering Speed – More than 30 partners now on-board

We are happy to announce that 7 new partners have come on-board the Participant Engagement Initiative, and we are very excited about kicking off...

Flipping the Quality Discussion to Focus on Participant Inclusion

The efforts to ensure quality in survey research have focused too heavily on the development of tools designed to detect and remove bad and/or...

Driving Trust in Research Through Bettter UX

The time seems to be ripe in our industry to really start examining the participant experience and how it affects things like trust, database...

Participant Engagement Initiative – Call for Partners ...

The GRBN Participant Engagement Initiative aims to increase participation in research by increasing participant engagement and improving the user experience people get when participating...

GRBN launches global Participant Engagement Initiative

NEW YORK – January 23rd, 2017 Today marks the official launch of the GRBN Participant Engagement Initiative. The aim of this article is to: ...

3 keys to improving the user experience

Length of surveys, enjoyability and mobile-friendliness all key to improving the User Experience – Further research-on-research underway The Trust Survey also dealt with the issue...