We hope you visit often, share your perspectives with other ARIA members and become involved in advancing the business of research and insights throughout the Americas.  The Americas Research Industry Alliance (ARIA) was formed in 2010 by members of national research associations to provide enhanced business opportunities for all members.

Benefits and Advantages offered to All Members of ARIA

Spanish English
Web de ARIA con la lista de todos las conferencias y eventos de ARIA y la GRBN An ARIA website to include a convenient listing of all conferences and events throughout ARIA and GRBN
Registro en todos los eventos de las asociaciones miembro de ARIA a tarifas de asociado Registration at all ARIA national association events at member rates
Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional y red de negocios Business networking and professional development opportunities
Presencia promocional de las asociaciones nacionales y sus miembros en todas las conferencias de ARIA A marketing presence for your national association and it’s members at every ARIA conference
Compartir ingresos por publicidad, patrocinio y conferencias Advertising, sponsorship, and conference revenue sharing
Intercambio profesional para exposición intercultural y capacitación Internship exchange for cross-cultural exposure and training
Seminarios de liderazgo para jóvenes profesionales Leadership camps for young professionals
Asistencia en la incorporación y capacitación de nuevos empleados New employee onboarding and training assistance
Acceso a todo el material de capacitación y manejo de activos brindados por la GRBN:

·      Participant Engagement and Trust

·      ROI / Invest in Insights

·      Inclusivity

·      Data Protection and Information Security


Access to all the training and management assets provided by GRBN (Global Research Business Network):

·      Participant Engagement and Trust

·      ROI / Invest in Insights

·      Inclusivity

·      Data Protection and Information Security



An immediate ARIA initiative is to develop a speakers’ bureau so that national associations have easy and rapid access to a network of speakers for annual conferences and seminars.

The next major ARIA event will occur in late May or early June 2020.  ARIA, Insights Association and Greenbook LATAM are joining forces to co-sponsor the 2020 IIeX LATAM event in Miami.  Please check back here for additional information.  There will be a meeting of ARIA national association leaders to plan additional 2020 and 2021 initiatives.

Questions or suggestions regarding ARIA?  Please contact us.

Juliana Wood – Insights Association and Executive Director of ARIA

Urpi Torrado – APEIM and Co-Chair of ARIA

Kevin Menk – Insights Association and Co-chair of ARIA