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The 100-day challenge: Make a difference

The objective of the 100-day challenge initiative is to drive positive change for the research sector, by encouraging individuals, companies and associations to take...

The Return on Investment from Insights – Driving growth – 10+1...

Two of the challenges are related to increasing the value to clients; on the one hand increasing that return on investment and on the...

Why we must change the Future-of-Insights

By Alex Hunt, Brainjuicer As we enter late-August and the dog-days of summer in a hot and humid NYC, it feels a lifetime ago that...

Why measuring Return on Research Investment is good for your health

By Simon Chadwick, Cambiar Whenever the subject has been raised in the last few years of measuring the return on anything related to marketing, advertising...

Trust, Innovation, Insight: Our Industry’s Reputational Challenge

By Jeff Resnick, Stakeholder Advisory Services Every industry endures periods of tumultuous change. Ours is no different. How we collectively deal with the challenge of...

Trust in market research – 5 actions we need to take...

There is a lot of hype around Pokemon Go at the moment… which is certainly well justified given the usage numbers… and a lot...

Trust with personal data – A time-bomb for our industry?

8-out-of-10 people surveyed say they are concerned about misuse of their personal data, with this figure still a high 78% amongst 18-24 year olds. It...

Perceived value of research – An opportunity we are missing?

Whilst seven-in-ten (survey takers) see that market research benefits business, only four-in-ten see it as benefiting themselves. As the chart opposite shows; amongst those not...

3 keys to improving the user experience

Length of surveys, enjoyability and mobile-friendliness all key to improving the User Experience – Further research-on-research underway The Trust Survey also dealt with the issue...

Trust in Market Research: The German success story

Bernd Wachter, CEO of Psyma Group AG and board member of both the ADM and the "Initiative Markt- und Sozialforschung, shares his views on...