BCG and GRBN team up to create ROI from Insights self-assessment tool

Research tells us that measuring the ROI from Insights is one of the characteristics of an Insights department that is perceived as a strategic insights partner, or indeed as a source of competitive advantage,...

ROI from Insights – The key to a virtuous growth spiral

The trend towards customer-centricity is creating fantastic opportunities for the research and insights sector, but to take advantage of these opportunities, we need to step up our game. One way we can do that,...

The Return on Investment from Insights – Driving growth – 10+1 tips

Two of the challenges are related to increasing the value to clients; on the one hand increasing that return on investment and on the other communicating more actively about the value of what we...

Why we must change the Future-of-Insights

By Alex Hunt, Brainjuicer As we enter late-August and the dog-days of summer in a hot and humid NYC, it feels a lifetime ago that I had the good fortune to participate, alongside several industry...

Why measuring Return on Research Investment is good for your health

By Simon Chadwick, Cambiar Whenever the subject has been raised in the last few years of measuring the return on anything related to marketing, advertising or research, hackles would very often be raised and loud...

The Chief Customer Officer’s Greatest Challenge: Measures of Value

By Curtis N. Bingham, CEO, Chief Customer Officer Council Companies are adopting the chief customer officer (CCO) role at a faster pace, and keeping them in their roles longer, especially in larger companies. The greatest...

Making Data Smarter: Bigger Can Take Care of Itself!

By Denyse Drummond-Dunn, C3Centricity. In 2007 the MREB ran a study to understand why some MR departments were rated better than others. They concluded that the two major areas in which MR provides value to...