
Introduction to the Invest in Insights Handbook

Read about why the Invest in Insights Handbook is needed, the objectives being set, and why you need to care about demonstrating the business value of Insights. Why the Handbook is Needed As more and more...

Feel More, Click More. Driving Profitable Growth from Digital Advertising ...

As the relentless rise of ad blocking shows, digital ads tend to drive the wrong kinds of emotion – anger, frustration, annoyance. These are not the feelings we want to generate in consumers! But...

The Key Barriers to ROI Measurement

The recent BCG-GRBN research indicates that there are a number of barriers to be overcome if an Insights team is going to succeed with the measurement of their ROI and the impact they are...

Key Benefits of Insights ROI Measurement

The recent BCG-GRBN research indicates that those Insights functions measuring their ROI and the impact they are having on the business are reaping significant benefits from doing so. How does a seat at the...

BCG / GRBN ROI of Insights Report Issued

We are excited to announce the launch of the ROI of Insights report, which we have produced in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group, and which highlights the key findings from the research recently...

Can Chairs talk: Image Mining & Text Analytics for strategic planning

In today’s connected world, much of how we communicate is visual. From emojis to selfies, images are everywhere and have become part of the modern lexicon – especially on social media. Yet to date,...

Avoid These Common Pitfalls that Put Your ROI of Insights at Risk ...

Companies nowadays have unlimited access to an ever-increasing amount of data sources, making it easier and faster for managers to base their business decisions on facts. However, this vast array of available data also...

John Wanamaker – we now know which half of your ad money is wasted!

In one of the most famous quotes in advertising, John Wanamaker is reputed to have said: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half. Since about 2014,...

Improvisational Comedy Fosters a Winning Brand Optimization Strategy

They say that laughter is cheap medicine, but it may also greatly benefit healthcare market researchers by helping to uncover true emotional drivers of behavior. Qualitative research is often designed to reveal elusive, subliminal drivers...

How Insights Can Be The Engine Of A Customer-First Strategy ...

A friend of mine asked a great question recently. It was this: “You are always saying that market research and insight teams have a great opportunity to lead the customer-first initiative. But how? We’ve...